Long gone are my days of reading young adult novels about teenage love like If I Stay or The Fault in Our Stars – shoot, long gone are the days when I can sit down and just READ a book period. I can honestly say in my high school days living across the road from our public library I used to visit often and tear through a well written story... I was such a devout bookworm.

Then college happened, then graduate school happened. If I was reading recreationally it wasn't planned and most times at the expense of something else more closely related to coursework. I was introduced to Audible and the convenience of listening to books did come in handy but I couldn't get so in to it. For me nothing beat having the hard (or soft)-covered book in my hand.

This is my first full year out of school and one of the big girl things I want to indulge in is reading again. I want to keep myself reading books all year long.

Like I said in the beginning, though I'm not kicking them to the curb completely, it's time to upgrade from the young adult section towards more Becoming by Michelle Obama (read ) and Atomic Habits (also read ) vibes.

Here are my 5 picks for the year and why I'm interested.

Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo

This book caught my attention because in a nutshell Everything is Figureoutable. I've heard such good things and feel like this perspective could be a great reminder to stop making life so COMPLICATED and take the time to figure things out.

Manifest Now by Idil Ahmed

I've always been about affirmations, attraction, and manifestation. What better than to delve into a book all about it with tips and tricks on the art.

As a Man Thinketh by James Allen

Although this is an old read I've heard it's a must. Everyone speaks highly of it. The quality of your mind determines the quality of your life and that's the whole message at the end, the power of thought. I want to see what the author is saying.

The People Factor: by Van Moody

"How Building Great Relationships and Ending Bad Ones Unlocks Your God-Given Purpose" What you're not completely sold?

Ok so I don't subscribe to believing anyone has the answers to relationships and interaction one bit. But I do love hearing different perspectives, listening to the experiences of others, and finding ways to relate. I think this will be good.

The Body: A Guide for Occupants by Bill Bryson

Then of course I was gonna go and find myself something educational and sneak it in here. I may be out of school but I'm still just a nerd. Always interested in the human body and how it operates/why it reacts to certain things. This book here might do it for me. They say it's pretty funny and informative as well and hey I'm down for both.