I'm the one sister to 3 brothers and styling them is such a past time. And when I say past I mean in the paaaaaaassssssssst they don't rate me anymore. They have their own looks now.
Lately I've been so fixated on male fall fashion I've managed to turn my mindset into clothing boards.
Do you guys remember Polyvore style/clothing boards? When they left the loss hit me so hard up until I found alternatives actually existed. Like this website SHOPLOOK —you can create sets either on the computer or using their mobile app and MY GOODNESS. I can spend ages on here playing around.
Here are my 'Male Fall' sets just because I felt like sharing.
Say it with me... LAY-ERS 😍😍😍
Fall looks are everything and not just for us ladies. I know so many people nowadays only want to wear what's comfortable and call it a day but on those special occasions (even for men) every once in a while there's that dress up day. All you want to do is stunt and I love a man who knows what he's doing with his clothes. Let's just not both be hardcore fashionistas... I buy enough clothing and hoard them for the entire world.

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