I'm really 25 and that's just as crazy as the fact that I'm really a doctorate degree holder. 2019 I'm scared for the rest of you. It's been blessing after blessing nonstop and I'm in awe, humbled, and absolutely grateful.
Everything I kept saying I would accomplish at this point in time I've either finished or I'm rounding up on. None of them centered around a romantic partner so although there were major bumps on the road there I stuck to my focus.
I'm constantly being reminded of how proud everyone else is of me. But I haven't really taken the time to inventory and celebrate how impressed I am IN MYSELF! As cliché as it sounds I'm in love with the woman I'm growing into.
Sometimes we just don't want to take time to savor good moments. We're mentally occupied with this idea of the other shoe dropping. When will it drop. Please..
Sometimes we're on the edge of our seats with only half as much energy put in on the present for the sake of anticipating something negative coming just around the riverbend.
Life is a rollercoaster. It's known that there are ebbs and flows between happiness and distress. Realistically change is going to happen. But waiting for that other shoe is the very way we rob ourselves of getting the most out of good experiences. Or even the ability to adequately celebrate accomplishments.
I finished school and became a doctor before the age of 25 there's no way I shouldn't toot my own horn for at least a year or two. I'm proud of myself.
Balancing that practical fear of what's next/what could possibly go wrong along with the mild obliviousness of present day is a skill. Living fully and gracefully between both times, aiming not to get “stuck” in a space of overwhelming tension is the goal.
At 25 I want to
--Take care of my
--Find footing in my new profession and upholding my title w/ its responsibilities
--Save my coins... because eventually I'll figure it out
--Celebrate moments. Live in them. Enjoy them without worrying too much
Thank you all for the birthday wishes!

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