Never to come back again ♪ ♫
Only kidding.
So hi! As I'm typing my Afrobeat Summer playlist is playing in the background, I'm sipping wine, and internalizing the utter terror that is my room, my life, my almost packed up car... all in shambles.
I'm actually leaving you guys. I'm done. I've collected what I came for. I took some time to regroup and relax a bit. Now I'm heading out and I've never been more stressed in my entire existence.
Half because I hate moving, I hate packing, getting rid of all the excess, the realization I'm a hoarder. All of it I can't.
But the remaining half because I really don't know what's next. As I brought up when recapping my graduation May 18th, I've always had a next up. From California to Oregon I was going to school. From California to Nevada again I was going to school. Now I'm done with everything and moving back home for...?? Life to begin?
That's real.
That's terrifying.
Now I can take that post grad depression in to the fullest because I truly am post grad at this point. I'm reliant on the job market and essentially myself to progress. There's pride in that. Masked in all the shook-ED-ness.
I'm leaving Las Vegas and moving back to Lord knows...

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