Happy New Year you guys!

Hopefully everyone's holiday season went well. In addition, everyone's transition from breaks and celebration back to the regular shmegular lifestyle is going just as swimmingly.

With Simply turning 3 last week (as I cry about time flying) I just wanted to take the time to say I'm very grateful for every one of you out there supporting me, supporting my little hobby, and seeing my little vision.

I refer to Simply as my baby all the time.. I love the ups and downs. I appreciate the mistakes.. my constant change in direction.. my time managing struggle. And I'm so thankful for those of you who are just as here for the ride as I am.

Wow from 2015 to this. That's with school in the middle and I still have years to come who knows what they have in store for me...

Okay I'm rambling and my ellipses are getting out of hand. All I really wanted to express is how much I adore you all.

My readers.

Thank you