It's said every year and sounds corny every single year but honestly-- WHERE DID 2017 GO?!

October has begun which only means HallowThankMas is right around the corner and before you know it we're ringing in a new year. Now I love the autumn/holiday season as much as the next lady but this is wild. I'm shook-eth.. maybe even a bit scared.

Retrospectively. What have I done? Where's that list I made of all the things I wanted to do this year? Have I reached my “goals”? Am I ready to flip the page?

In the spirit of taking the bull by its horns whether or not I've completed what I wanted to (highly unlikely) there's this need to feel a bit more accomplished. I'm just going to add these...

  • Explore More
Early in September a good friend and I rented a hotel room and took a day trip about 2 hours from where we live. The little town we traveled to was a known cozy spot with a lake, jet skis, and an overall vibe of serenity. It was everything especially going into my second year of grad school. When I'm talking explore it doesn't necessarily mean flights and passports.. especially in these last few months. I just want to get into more of what's around me. Where I currently live now has so much to offer for me to not experience. In fact, my theme for the year is Experience I'll talk more on that when it's over (here's a link to my 'theme' concept) but I'm really trying to maximize that before 2018. 

  • Get Myself Together (Organize & self care)
I believe there was a point this year I was on top of everything. I had my physical, mental, school, and personal life sorted.. to a degree I was proud of. Then I woke up one morning and found my atmosphere in shambles yet again. The ups and downs of life I guess. But I refuse to carry such disarray into the new year. No thank you. Time to get a schedule back; reintroduce myself to exercise, eat better, just organize my life

  • Regain Control
Aligned with getting myself together essentially I would love more than anything to regain control of my life. Again retrospectively I think I've managed somehow ~ in the midst of my journey of Experience ~ I lost my hold on everything. I'm the biggest control freak I know and it's one of the things that has put me where I am. I'm overly composed to a fault at times but I like it. It calms me. Going back to being organized and in control will definitely save a lot of the anxiety I've recently been experiencing. I just need to figure out where to start...