I'm absolutely in love with my little makeup collection, but particularly during the summer nothing beats flaunting an un-beat, fresh face, going out and about. I'd prefer as little drawn on, dabbed on, and glued on me as possible while the sun is beaming down in this desert I currently live in.

Having said that; with my face and the rest of my body in constant exposure to wind, sand/dust, and now sunlight the summer skin dryness has been on a whole other level. Just as bad as the winter time, you almost can't catch a break out here.

So what are the ultimate hacks to defeating dry and dull skin? I wish I had all the answers even out of Pharmacy Year 1 not everything is clear cut. However I'll offer you the best that I know..

 First and foremost DRINK THAT WATER!!! You hear this everyday but there's no harm repeating it. Hydrate yourself from the inside and your outside shall flourish beloved.  The recommended water intake is half your body weight in ounces. For summertime and if you're exercising in the summertime, consider drinking a lot more

On the topic of internal hydration, be mindful of your alcohol consumption this summer as well. Alcohol is a diuretic and hot drinks like whiskey, vodka, gin, etc do a great job of dehydrating. If you're planning nights out it's best you keep water in sight and at hand always.

 EXFOLIATE & MOISTURIZE. Exfoliating helps to remove dry and dead skin cells from all over your body as well as stimulating circulation, new healthy cell growth, and optimum moisturizer absorption. With all those benefits it’s actually important to exfoliate year round not to go overboard. Scrubbing your skin too much has a way of also contributing to overall dryness. Like everything in life, there's a happy medium somewhere..

Following the shower and exfoliation, cover with a good lotion or oil to moisturize. Find your favorite product and buy twelve. I mean it go ham in the summer. Stock up and be super generous in application. Allow me to use this opportunity to plug a friend's and her family's business. Black owned and prospering ---> 

Click the link and visit their site. The products speak for themselves but I'll add that they are truly amazing! The 'Bronzing Butter' gives the best summer glow anyone could DIE for!

  Chill with the hot & steamy showers already. Advice I need to take myself because I too am guilty of showering in near boiling temperatures (during all seasons) I'd be doing a disservice if the consequences weren't mentioned though. Hot water often washes away the skin's natural protective oils leaving it dry, tight, and itchy. With the heat on high from June to August that's a lot of time to unnecessarily be uncomfortable. 

  Chlorine, something else to strip the skin of oils --awesome. Just be sure that after the pool, you're heading straight to the shower and rinsing the chemicals off your skin with no more than a gentle cleanser; there's no need to be rough here. Then moisturize again. For drier areas petroleum jelly works wonders.  

**Applying oils or lotions before swimming** to create a barrier between your skin and everything else in the pool also helps as an added protective measure

⑤  Try to avoid prolonged direct sunlight. UV rays can cause a lot of serious skin damage I know we know this already, especially if you're unprotected. And while dry skin and premature wrinkling are more on the mild side of consequences; we can get to the more dire like sun burn, dehydration, heat exhaustion/stroke, and skin cancer... Yea, please see #7 and also find shade. Please please and thank you. That's all I ask.

⑥  Get into facial mists. Supplying a nice dewy glow facial mists are good for hydrating, rejuvenating, protecting, and even setting powdery makeup. The best thing is that they're like spray-on serums you can carry with you for a pick me up. Mists come in many different formations, by different brands, with the purpose of warding off parched skin!

⑦  Never forget sunscreen. Simple and short. EVERY skin tone, EVERY-where, EVERY-day

Enjoy this summer you guys. And may our skin as a collective be on 10.