I said I was going to make 2017 bigger and better for SIMPLY, the plan was to write a lot more to keep me level headed during school and that all sounded so nice.. in theory. Realistically, my free time is better utilized doing absolutely nothing just to recoup.
There are only enough hours in the day to reenergize from school (basically sleep 88% of the time), run errands, keep my place clean and organized, tend to my social life, and post something as close to perfect as possible.
I even had to add SIMPLY to my list of blocked sites for a while, alongside select online stores $$, in order to take my mind away and protect my happy place. This hobby is too precious to cross the thin line between outlet and chore. SIMPLY is meant for creativity and fun the minute it becomes anything else I need a break.
With all that being said, I've ventured onto switching roles from writer to a much more active reader lately. Gathering inspiration and scrolling in awe of newfound black girl blogger favs..
This Wednesday is about sharing and celebrating these extremely beautiful minds, their work, and offering a push. Not all the time is it necessary to produce.. If you are experiencing a writer's block take a step back. Take care of yourSelf and maybe choose reading/providing feedback over writing for a bit. Genuine audiences are definitely needed oh so valuable out here.
TIFFANY — http://tiffanynicoleforever.com/
CHELLBEE — https://www.chellbee.com/blog/
BLAKE - http://blakevond.com/ >>> now http://signedblake.com/
MATTIE — http://www.mattiejames.com/
UFUOMA — http://theufuoma.com/
KACHEE — http://www.kacheetee.com/blog/
DOMINIQUE — http://www.werquedominique.com/
KESHIA — keshiamwhite.com/blog/
AZANIQUE — http://lotsofsass.com/
BREANNA — http://www.whereshebegins.com/
SANDY — http://www.virtuessblog.com/
LESLIE — http://thehautemommie.com/blog/
ALISHA — http://www.itsherpersona.com/
BRITT — http://www.hello-brittnee.com/
MARIKAH — https://keepingupwithmj.com/home/
That all for now. Feel free to shout out a blog you're in love with and stay tuned, because this list will only keep growing..

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