Among other things; I advocate heavily for self care, organized internal thoughts, and journaling
[From the Simply Bio Page]
I personally believe everyone in this world should utilize a journal of some sort. A journal of thoughts, memories, interests, and ideas; whether it's scribbled in a notebook, recorded on video, or typed online for others to see...
[From the Simply Bio Page]
I personally believe everyone in this world should utilize a journal of some sort. A journal of thoughts, memories, interests, and ideas; whether it's scribbled in a notebook, recorded on video, or typed online for others to see...
I currently use 3 different journals for different purposes. Then there's my collecting stash of potential journals I felt were too cute to leave in store but at the moment only serve aesthetically. For some reason I can't avoid the aisles for notebooks and stationary, even if I'm there to buy vitamins. Classified journal junkie.
Do you journal? Let's talk
Do you journal? Let's talk
My Prayer Journal
Last year, to build on the religious aspect of my life, I began this prayer journal. I knew my connection to and communication with God was in a struggle at the time so the goal was to start paying more attention to that relationship. By routine I don't fill it out until the end of each week (meaning Saturdays), timing depends, and typically with exception to this post I tuck it away like a diary for my eyes only.
My "Vision" Journal
This one is for brain dumping, health/fit/mental checkins, and overall goals or we can call them"visions" for myself and the blog. There's no routine in writing it's more random, I just try to have it with me every day when I can. In real life I don't call it The Vision Journal but for the sake of naming stuff might as well.
My Day to Day Journal
It's my planner. That's all--- but I group it in with all my journals because I mean, why not.
If you are interested and would like a run through with more detail to it, maybe a components post on how I structured my prayer or vision journals feel free to let me know in the comments.
Lastly, I refer to Simply as a journal on its own constantly. So I guess if we're tallying I actively use 4 journals
Lastly, I refer to Simply as a journal on its own constantly. So I guess if we're tallying I actively use 4 journals

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