There's nothing like a fresh start. Sure looking back can be fun, especially if you have those memories documented, but once you flip to that next blank page and title it "Plans for the year..." there's nothing like it.

My blueprint for Simply 2016 was nicely laid out, cute, and ambitious. Did I accomplish everything? Of course not... but the growth has been way too beautiful and so worthy of acknowledgment.

Now what am I thinking of for the next 12 months?

If you have me on instagram you've probably already noticed... I'm trying to up my post frequency as much as possible. With the projected growth of the app my goal is to treat it as a supplemental "microblogging" platform. Time for me to start paying attention to detail and aesthetic -- while still having fun of course. Wish me luck!

Promote, Promote, Promote
Sounds familiar, huh? Almost every bloggers' goal is to get out there and promote more. With all the social media sites, networking forums, real life opportunities at our disposal one can never finish pushing his/her brand. So if you were over it in 2016, it'll only get better pal.

Network, Network, Network
In addition to putting myself out there, I would really like to grab more bloggers into my circle. The more the merrier. Speaks for itself.


Less life more style I know I've been thriving on my "life stuff" that's what makes Simply so personable. However, the fashion, makeup, and hair enthusiast in me is hoping for more look books this year. Who doesn't love dressing up and taking pictures constantly?

Pharmacy This is the goal I'm most excited for. I want to finally address my pharmacy school journey in full on the blog. From undergrad to where I stand right now and everything onward.

Since starting Simply I've dreamt of being in the position to provide a bit of guidance for the next aspiring pharmacist, to relate to my fellow pharmacist in training, and connect with the pharmacist who might stumble on this page during their off time (dream big right). I just really want to crosslink both of my passions and let them flow together. That being said I'll definitely need comments and suggestion on where to start/what you'd like to see me touch on. if you have any please leave them below.

Fine, more life To be honest more of it all this year! This will be my year (come at me I dare you). In all seriousness if it involves traveling more, trying new things, challenging myself, AND THEN blogging about it; let's do it!