Somewhere between figuring who this Ben person is in the first place and falling for his televised sweet boy-small town charm (per youtube stalking), I've actually gotten into the current season.
Yes, I do have my fair share of guilty TV pleasures I'm simply caught off guard on this one. The Bachelor, a production that I've internally boycotted for whichever of many plausible reasons, has managed to creep its way onto my list.
Thinking back I don't have one specific reason why I've been so against the show but after now 20 seasons that is of The Bachelor alone (The Bachelorette is at 11) Ben Higgins finally did it. He won my interest.
I feel like I've joined this club. One I've always spoken so poorly of for so long and still managed to wake up in.
I won't give you the play on what's been happening to date because quite frankly some of you may not even care
However, I will let you know if you don't already the badass black girl I have up there is Jubilee Sharpe and she was everything I believe the show needed. She was real and socially awkward at times. She kept the show grounded and distracted away from the beautiful blonde beach wave "Laurens" ---who now remain.
Okay not all of them are named Lauren. And they're not all blonde. But I hope you get where I was going with that
Unfortunately Jubilee lasted a whopping 5 episodes which did upset some but not all of the black community because... I mean... come on
At the end of the day my personal thoughts on that situation in reference diversity became the same as I had with the Oscars. Y'all can keep it if you want. Not a lot of "us" are really watching The Bachelor anyway. It didn't matter to me.
To some though, yes it's a big deal The show has continued to display an obvious casting pattern and might I add at no fault of these Bachelor men. You can't force an individual to fall in love with and propose to someone who qualifies as being more diverse solely to appease the audience. The same goes for keeping this person strung along for a quota of weeks *cough*cough*
I've heard different arguments in the key of "black people have their own Bachelors i.e Flavor Flav, Ray J, Real and Chance" also that "shows of this nature are dumb and fighting for inclusion here in particular is beyond unnecessary " Everyone's entitled to their own opinion I guess.
I'm only interested in why the hell I'm still watching. I told myself I'd stop after Jubilee left and here I am still invested
As my journal I'd just like to record that I honestly have no clue what happened.
I fell for the persona that is Ben and then his story with Jubilee reeled me all the way in
Now all I want is to see it end in hopes that I won't be looking for more.
Alright I know you must have at least one guilty pleasure TV show/series. Share below!!
I vow to no judgement.
Alright I know you must have at least one guilty pleasure TV show/series. Share below!!
I vow to no judgement.

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