Happy 2016 everyone! I'm finally able to say that after Jan 2nd with enthusiasm and actually mean it.
Sparing the details that I'd rather not relive (basic long story short) this January has been thee ultimate trip. And yes I realize that I seem to always be going through these struggle months and recapping them on here but what? Is that not life? Don't we all get bad months? It can't only be me.
I had all of these school plans, financial plans, and new #bloggoals set for the start of the year but surely my natural tendencies put me in check real fast. They quickly pulled out several seats because they were not having it.
Do you ever make resolutions and habit changing decisions then later see you were even kidding yourself?
Maybe to wake up and exercise every morning because early morning workouts bring proven advantages? Or cutting back on the amount of money you spend? Setting and keeping to your new blogging schedule. Ok Amara.
Not trying to be negative or cynical. Only realistic. Along with #goals2016, #KnowYourself also needs to run its own course with me. Some changes will certainly take a bit longer than others. They'll happen for sure. Just not overnight.
Well here's a photoset of what my January ended up looking like. Full of mixed emotions, broken expectations, lost necessities, $$$ spent, travel, blessings, replacements and change ...
In the midst of all madness my blog did turn ONE early in the month! As mentioned in the beginning plans were set, a possible photoshoot too, but hey eventually I got over the mishaps.
When I sat and wrote my first ever Simply post (January 5, 2015) I had no idea what to expect, how invested I'd soon become, and never would I have predicted I’d be here today calling it "Simply" just like that.
In this year alone I've a learned so much about blogging and I must give credit where it's due to my first/main blogspiration, my sister in real life --Kelechi (Kel) of The KelFix (click here). She got me to make the jump from Occassional Youtuber to Frequent Writer after watching her grow and truly enjoy it. I've linked her blog so go ahead check it out. Open the new tab and save it for after... I'm almost done here.
Hopefully in time I'll be able to move from frequent to constant when it comes to my writing, of course school is the priority now. But there's no telling where years will take me.
At the moment though, I'm really proud of my little blog. Myself as well for keeping the work up this long. Simply Amaracheee has brought and continues to bring me so much happiness. And you of course are a part of everything. Yes you sitting reading these words right now; for you... I'm extremely grateful. Thank you for taking time out of your own lives putting interest into my thoughts, my opinions, thank you for making the effort to comment when you do, thank you for being my audience.
One year in. Man. January 2017 I'm coming for you!

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