They say the older you get Christmas becomes less about the presents and more about loved ones. Turns out, once you're able to support and hold your own, whether or not you receive a gift on Christmas Day moves to basic after thought. Being able to share precious moments with friends and family is what makes the holiday what it really is.
Let me begin by saying I completely agree. My brothers, my friends, and I are all getting busier that everyone's schedules overlap the most only around this time of the year; so winter break is the number 1 break I look forward to even more so than summer vacations. I guess I'm at this point in my life where all I want are my friends. We're all becoming grown ups with responsibilities of own and it's still very surreal to me.
That being said, this year's Christmas list is quite extensive and expensive. So I honestly wouldn't mind splitting my purchases with Jolly Old St Nicholas if the option is there.
Without further ado...
Tech/Gadgets: All black everything. Goes without saying for the nth time that new tech stuff is at the top of my list this year. I've decided to switch things up with plans to go from Microsoft to Apple. I actually need to replace both my Windows phone and my Windows laptop at the same exact time... so why not? I've been anti-Apple for so long I even forgot why but I'm prepped and ready to do this. Old models of both are right up my alley as long as they work I'm good. Let's see what happens.
Following those are an external hard drive and a new camera; DSLR precisely. Canon or Nikon I'm not too sure on which yet but regardless I couldn't be any more of a basic blogger.
Apparel: Funny enough I'm not really looking at clothes or shoes. At least not eagerly this Christmas which is refreshing. Of course there will always something new I'd like to add to my closet but I'm also cool with what I have for now too. Saving for my tech stuff is definitely top priority.
The chocolate brown watch I added was just because I've been eyeing it FOR-EVER. If you know me you know of my watch obsession as well. I apparently can never have enough and doesn't this minimal dark Timex one look fantastic? I mean if you happen to run into it at Nordstrom... think of me...
Gift Cards: Gift cards are a giver's best friend. How can you go wrong? Especially with Visa Gift Cards? A gift card to almost anywhere is always appreciated by your girl but this year Nike, Ikea, Overstock, and West Elm would be the best bet. Since I'm graduating soon, I'll also be moving. Before I know it there's a new apartment in the picture and I'll have to go house shopping.
Books: The only book I've really been itching to read is Girl Boss. The hype throughout the blogging universe surrounding this book by Sophia Amoruso has established my certainty on it. I'm sure it'll be worth the buy.
Now I know what you're thinking... "That's all?" in probably the most sarcastic of tones possible. It will definitely take more than the few days I have until Christmas to fulfill all the wishes on this list. And that I understand.
Thanks anyway Santa

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