Lately I've been feeling discouraged about my blog for not having my own quality photos to personalize each of my 12 Days holiday posts. I then let these insecurities get in the way of what I had planned for the rest of the segment and affect my overall contentedness with where I am on Simply and what I currently have to offer.

Hopefully after a bit of explanation you can understand where I'm coming from. And I still want to apologize too before anything for leaving a gap in the program.

I recently busted the screen on my phone. It still works fine but with full on spiderweb cracks running across it. In my eyes, as a blogger being able to take your own pictures means so much and my phone was my way of compensating without a camera. With the screen the way it is now, coping has been rough.

So after spending Saturday, Sunday, and part of my Monday (before typing this) with my motivation on little to no juice; I've decided to just move on. I intend to get over myself, make the most of my final few Christmas posts, and then look onward to the future. It's time for me to stop listing what this page lacks.

The new year is approching along with my blog's FIRST birthday and the last thing I want to do is to walk into 2016 without purpose, confidence, and positivity.

Interested in going over my 2016 blog goals?


Take it easy(-er)
I have this annoying habit that is piling on more than I know I can handle; not only here but in life as well. When it comes to blogging I just need to acknowledge my limits and learn to be okay with them. Challenging myself is fine but since I'm usually my worst critic; I need to try and also be patient --- if you know me at all you also know that's asking for a lot.

Stop comparing
I've gained several blogger friends since I've started this journey and even though I adore them all; blog envy is real. It's not that I sit on my computer sour because "so and so" has made increasing gains on their site. I'm more of a person who compares content, quality, and design. Not good. There's no need for someone else's blog layout to affect how I once felt about mine. As a reference my design has changed more than eight times this year.

Look for inspiration and not templates
Basically any post that doesn't get my own original thoughts flowing when I type should be tossed. The only reason I'd see myself stealing words and ideas is if I'm stuck with writer's block and I found something I really didn't want to speak on just to spit a post out. That's not what this platform was created for. Next year I need to hone in on my originality and write only what I really want to write about. Which means purging my drafts folder as well. If I'm stuck without a post let me be stuck. Quality over quantity you know. And the post I come out of hibernation will be guaranteed fire.

Become less of a silent reader
There's so much to be said about feedback. After almost a full year blogging I understand this completely. Visiting blogs has become a new part of my daily routine while leaving comments when I'm done reading a new post has not. I just need to remember to share my thoughts that's all. Maybe set mini goals of two comments a day or something. I light up when you guys share on my blog. That's a feeling we should all keep passing along.

Focus on reader engagement on the blog
Yes, in addition to commenting I also need to be responding to the comments left over here. I'm not the type of person to let messages, emails, etc... collect on the side purposely so I'm not sure what's holding me. But I recognize it needs to be fixed. 

Get a camera, finally, and be satisfied
Trust that as tired as you are of hearing me dwell on this camera thing; I'm more exhausted living it out. If only purchasing the exact camera I want was an easy task being a college senior with other more urgent money demands. Now that my phone has ex'ed itself out too I'm spreading so thin I could cry. But here's to the 2016 glo up. The camera I want. And maybe being able to start up my own stock library of my own photos.

Step further out of my comfort zone
I'm ready to expand my platform after a year of testing the water and deciding to commit. I plan to ditch the ...blogspot.com and having Simply Amaracheee to myself hopefully by it's 1st official birthday. From there, I guess I'm down for anything (ok with some limitations) until pharmacy school. Considering the new heavy load I'm bound to be picking up, the blog will have be prioritized accordingly. But that's when the time comes... For eight months I'm all yours.

Continue living and learning
Point blank
