R&B artist, Summer Walker brought social anxiety to the forefront of the internet world not very long ago at least that's how it looks today. And it unfortunately displayed how little was understood on the topic as well as how apathetic many were. Like not an ounce.. a single drop of consideration when it came to remarks online.

But it's okay. The best thing about this life is that we are constantly learning. EVERY SINGLE DAY.

It's all about the effort to move from ignorance

So social anxiety.. let's Google

When the overwhelming feeling of anxiety stands in the way of you living a relatively "normal life" you can't get through your job, school, other day-to-day activities it becomes a full blown problem.

It is important (apparently shown on social media) to address that this can still allow a person to be entirely themselves and unleash a different personality when they feel comfortable. Whether it be surrounded by a certain circle of trusted people or IN THEIR OWN HOMES.

A person with social anxiety disorder feels their symptoms at social gatherings, meeting new people, dating, being on a job interview, answering questions in class, or even talking to a cashier while in the store.

Sure performing or reciting speeches in front of people could get to the best of everyone but acts such as eating or drinking in front of others, coughing or sneezing (which will then drawn attention to you) in public—also causes anxiety or fear. The person is afraid that they will be humiliated, judged, and rejected at any point for any reason forcing them to lock and freeze.

Leading conversations is more than likely never going to happen and responses will be cut down to as few words as possible. Anything to avoid having eyes on them.

So you can imagine being a public figure while simultaneously HATING interaction to an extent.

It's different from just being an introvert, being awkward, and definitely not being rude (at least based solely on this discussion)...

I think that's what took her as long as she did to hit, referring back to Summer Walker. I mean her talent is amazing. She's for sure trying to figure it all out.

As we all are. Ok I didn't mean to come on here and type out a whole psychology lesson.