50 days left in the year.
What are you thankful for?
Have you spent most of this year complaining or giving thanks?
What have you achieved in the year? Come on, be proud of yourself. Shout it from the rooftops... Nothing in this life is easy my dear.
What losses have you had to bear? I am truly sorry. I pray for peace and comfort to enter your lives. May you always remember that even when the shadows fall, you do not walk alone.
365 days can show you so much, they can give and they can take.
To be honest I feel like I was riding on such a high of graduation during the first six months of the year, the remaining half was dedicated just for humility.
I've been down and not myself at all since July. Moving back to California. Another lifestyle change we know how well I do with those.
There was the postponement of my license which kicked everything into gear. Feelings of regret coming to California in the first place because Vegas would definitely not have given me these problems. In the limbo of studying for what seems like forever because I can't stop without feeling guilty. BUT WHEN'S MY EXAM GOING TO HAPPEN MA'AM
Financially I'm above water but barely which circles back to not getting licensed when I had planned to and being jobless.
Socially. All my friends are gone :/
Funny enough I know nothing about this town I've been living in since I was a toddler. During my days of permissible adventure I ran far far away (like out of state) and never took interest on school holidays. Now that this is my home and the people I used to spend my days with have seemed to follow suit in leaving as well. I don't know where to start in making new friends. Do I even have the energy for all that?
I'm not going to lie I've been keeping this bag of "first world problems" to myself for so long but I'm looking at my calendar.
50 days left in the year.
50 days left of the 2010-2020 decade to reflect on growth and start a new game plan.
10 Years:
What all am I thankful for?
What all have I achieved?
(Praise God)
What losses have I had to bear?
(I've made it through 100% of all my drawbacks and rough times. I'm stronger because of them)
2020. I'm a daughter. I'm a friend. I'm a health professional. I'm happy. I'm healthy. My circle of those around me-- generally happy & healthy. I'm everything I spoke into existence exactly 10 years ago...
I call for career growth, additional business ventures, an open mind to love again (who knows) glowing/clearer skin, setting body goals, targeting a sound mind (might introduce meditation)
And all of this not only for me but for all of you as well
I mean in ten years I'll be 35. I made it this far so why not. Wow new decade energy

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