WORD of 2018 - ENJOY - and that I did
For me and this year, the underlying theme of presence and enjoyment were huge deals. Essentially I made it a goal to live my best-EST life and looking back I'm so glad I did. I had late nights that turned themselves into mornings, impulse flights and material buys... encounters of the opposite sex (but those are stories for a different post) all while still passing every exam every two weeks. It was amazing and a step up from whatever 2017 was serving. Then I moved to my third and final year of pharmacy school.. Yea I can honestly say I enjoyed this year. Maybe a little too much. 2019's word has been cooking and ready to set up for some time now. I'm sure you guys can guess what it'll be.
In the same fashion of my president 😌I've compiled my favorites of the year (at least of things I remembered) and made an 18 for 2018 (even though the songs are the only eighteen on this post) Smh. Okay regardless, I haven't done a favorites post in a while. I think it's fitting especially after Obama released his picks - heads up I read no where near his length of books... what? - but overall I have my songs, my makeup, my movies, and my podcasts.
I wanted to add my top fragrances but YSL Black Opium and Versace Bright Crystal are all I wear. I need to expand my horizons...
It was definitely a trip down memory lane just to bring all these items back to mind some I was obsessed with then fell off only to rekindle my relationship with them by the end of the year. For others they've been my love throughout.
What have been your favorites for the year? Are you ready for 2018 to come to an end..?
Let me know what you're looking forward to the most out of 2019

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