In the age of millennial/Gen Z students, smartphones have become our missing limb, our best friends, and dare I say our crutch at times. I for one will have no shame claiming and sharing with you my crutch and the various apps I've downloaded to make the ride as a pharmacist in progress that much smoother..

ACEP Toxicology Section Antidotes - Perfect app in the case of medication or chemical substance overdose in a patient. It identifies the appropriate antidote and honestly this tool could come in handy for anyone. It can help save plenty of lives.

American Heart Association Guidelines On The Go - Of all the guidelines the AHA is probably one of the heaviest hitters. It's good to have this app separate from the others in my opinion, it has patient education, calculators, and even current events all in the app

ASCVD Risk Calculator -  This app is used to estimate a patient’s initial 10-year ASCVD risk  (atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk) using the pooled cohort equation we all know involving age, race, cholesterol levels etc... this is just an amazing and quick tool mainly for statin intensity on our side but very informative in other counts

eGFR Calculators by the National Kidney Foundation - This one is incredibly useful to me personally, it calculates both eGFR using the MDRD equation or a multitude of other routes AND ALSO creatinine clearance using the Cockcroft-Gault formula. A Godsend really. Again these are measurements you should have down by memorization. But a little pocket self checker doesn't hurt.

MDCalc - On the topic of more "on the go" MDCalc is one of the leading medical reference databases for the most relevant, up-to-date and widely-used clinical calculators. CrCl, BMI, even ASCVD if you want them here and not in the separate apps. I have them all because I just like to use my storage space. 

IBM Compatibility from Micromedex - From Micromedex and powered by Trissel's the go to database for the stability and compatibility of parental drug formulations, this app is good to have during a hospital rotation. It will need you to have a Micromedex subscription either purchased for yearly or free under your institution (hospital or school), check and see if it's available to you.

Epocrates - As students drug information apps are honestly a MUST however you get it and with the source being citable to faculty and/or your preceptors. Lexicomp and Micromedex are suggested through my pharmacy program but I'll also vouch for Epocrates (I have it and Micromedex). Anything but Wikipedia.

Spectrum - Infectious diseases/antibiotic treatment was probably my favorite course of study. Partly because of the mix and match medication to disease aspect based on overall tolerance and bacterial spectrum. There are a wide range of organisms and knowing the right drugs to fit their spectrum off hand although quite impressive, is a tough task. For someone extremely interested in this particular field, enough to care, this app is really nice.

OTC Assistant - With this helpful app you can sift through widely known and some other uncommon over the counter products available out there to consumers who'll more than likely have questions concerning them. It's great to have the labeling information quick and at your disposable. It's not a free app but so far I like using it. You can even search in the app regarding signs and symptoms.

Quizlet - I don't think I need to convince anyone who's currently a student anywhere in anything how NECESSARY and AMAZING quizlet is. If you don't take a single app suggestion seriously on here just take Quizlet with you. I can't even try to get credit here saying thank me later I owe so much to this app/site in general. Create your own flashcards, practice tests, and study off of what others have made as well.

Those are all my apps. I would say leave your suggestions below for me but I don't think I have enough storage space. Nonetheless leave your suggestions of any useful ones I may not have mentioned. Sharing is always caring around here!