July 18th  PharmCAS 2018-2019 application goes live

Some really Application deadline for Early Decision participants
Important dates 1 - 8 different regular application deadlines throughout the year
In 1 - a plethora of PCAT examination opportunities 
Between Fall & Spring Academic/Transcript update deadlines for classes "In Progress"

June 2019 Application cycle closes

Once you've opened the application please stay on top of your exact deadlines, it's up to you and you alone...

Another Sidebar: High school students applying to “0–6″ or “early assurance” pharmacy degree programs usually apply directly to the select program, foregoing PharmCAS, or participate in a completely different application system all together. This is why I stress doing research beforehand. All this information may not apply to you.

Congratulations you've decided that pharmacy might actually be for you you've made it through your prerequisite courses, more than likely have taken the PCAT admissions exam, and we're now at the next step; the central application service widely known as PharmCAS...

Allow me to iron out some details and run through this process with some of my experiences before that time comes in mid July and everyone is freaking out. Let's try to get you close to being prepared for things to run smoothly, and pump those applications out as soon as possible. There's a chance you'd receive your admission decisions faster that way.


You may already have your top school figured out. Distance could've been your deal breaker. It might be a place you have connections at so networking will be a piece of cake. Or it's that big name campus with amazing NAPLEX scores etc... These are all fine factors in choosing a program. For those still narrowing down their list:

Location is BIG and usually the main factor
Think about cost – What can you afford? Application fee included
Private vs. Public? Overall demographic?
What's the average class size – In what environment do you learn best?
Accreditation status – Keep in mind students need to graduate from an accredited (ACPE) program to be able to practice pharmacy in the country.
Does your program offer dual degrees? MBA?/PhD? Look into that stuff..

Accelerated, team base learning, what's that curriculum like? >>FAQs<<

At the end of the day it's up to you, just be sure to do allllllllllllll the research possible (it's honestly so important I stress it always) for the programs you consider. Check that you've met or will soon meet all the minimum eligibility requirements before applying; degree-wise, exam-wise, GPAs cumulative and science separate, all prerequisite courses and course equivalencies. Arrange for your transcripts to be sent directly from your school(s) and your PCAT test scores to be sent directly to PharmCAS as well, if applicable because not every school requires them. That could also be a decision maker.

In addition to the grades, WHO DO YOU HAVE IN MIND TO GIVE REFERENCES? The system allows up to four names (evaluators) on your application with one urged to be a science professor. Please look into your particular program's requests on the very number and evaluator types they're looking for –– PharmCAS will NOT be distinguishing differences for you.

I remember going for the pharmacist I used to shadow, my university advisor, Microbiology class mentor, and student organizations/campus events coordinator.

Let these evaluators know ahead of time that they will be receiving email requests; then afterwards follow up, and I vouch for a thank you gesture afterwards whether it be a card, little gift, or well thought out email of your own.


Luckily provides an instructions link and check list, something you could also look into ahead of time. The application cycle remains open from July until June the following year. You can start, save, and return to it for as long as you want before submitting but again I say doing this early (depending on your ability of course) is the best bet. Get it out of the way, secure those interviews, and final decisions.

THEN THERE ARE SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATIONS... Outside of the PharmCAS application, Pharm.D. programs may require you to send another application and separate fee directly to them from their website. The deadline for those may be the same as the ones projected on PharmCAS, they may not. Research is important lol I've said it a trillion times now and you could equally contact the Pharm.D. program for any questions. Don't email PharmCAS though, not on these matters they won't be happy.

Alright this was a lot of information, even while typing it I'm getting flashbacks of elevated stress, anxiety, and anticipation. But for a great cause. Now I'm excited for you and your growing interest, this journey you wish to embark on and I'm here to help in any way shape or form.

Feel free to comment below or shoot me an email for any additional help :) Best of luck!