Waterwall Park, Houston TX
"2017, What's good"I believe that's exactly how I addressed the new year in my 2016 "intentions" recap. After pushing to be an open book regarding intent all of last year allow me to reveal what the theme for 2017 actually was...
Experience. As basic as it sounds, yes I wanted to spend the year going with the flow entirely and experiencing a lot I haven't been able to being 1) a worrier, 2) an over thinker, and 3) just being in a classroom. At the ripe old age of 23 (only a joke) there were little particular things I wanted to get over with.
Did I accomplish them all, of course not. But let me tell you on this journey to get what I wanted I also picked up some unexpected, nice and not so nice experiences. Things to say I've done and don't plan on redoing ever again.
Like last year I'm not going to rehash the details. Some things are better left in the past. But where am I now? Who am I now? What did I learn and did I appreciate what I went through?
I was really excited to start throwing caution to the wind and say why not to a lot more this year. Overall, I mean I am very control oriented. I ALWAYS need to be ahead of the game to keep my wandering mind at bay and protect myself in some way or another. While narrowing my theme for the year I recognized that learning to "go with the flow" was a much needed exercise.
I laughed, I cried, I went out on many limbs, I got hurt,.. then I cried some more. But overall I grew. Enjoying my experiences for what they were in the moment and saying yes to more without analyzing too deep. Going out more and trying new things.. it was nice
To those who helped me experience these moments --wanted or unwanted, thank you. You are appreciated. I've learned that God for sure places people in our lives for a reason, a season, and even a lifetime. Clocking He sent them is easy it's figuring out the categories they belong to is the mind blowing part.
Take Away: Guard and control are good. Although I'm glad to exhibit some of these things again on a regular basis (I need discernment), it's time for me to leave the overthinking at the door. Leave the always putting off for another time because our new days are never guaranteed. I need to add more experiences to my life and enjoy them. The only way to do that is to live.

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