[Great start Amara, let's pretend this post wasn't supposed to go up before 2017 started lol]

Blink twice and an entire year is over. That's how it seems anyway.

It seems like -- well not yesterday --but maybe the day before, we were ringing in the new year of 2016 and look where we stand now. So much has changed. Oh so much. And that's just in my realm of reality I'm sure it's been a whirlwind for you too.

Though this isn't going to be me recapping the year because quite frankly living it once was good enough. I've got something else for you.

Before the year began, I had a resolution. One that gave both me and 2016 a bit of purpose. Not that I was looking for purpose, I was about to receive my bachelor's degree and move on to pharmacy school in yet another state (something I didn't know at the time) I really wanted to give the year a theme, one word/one concept behind if not all then at least 92% of my actions.

Of course after deciding on this I couldn't think of one single word; so I allowed a composite of 3 or 4 to work with and that was how I chose to live the new year.

In 2016 -- The word was 'UPFRONT'
I wanted to be more open, honest, and utterly transparent.
(What did I tell you about finding just one word)

Ok so how'd I do?

I'm already pretty blunt, bold, and my face speaks before I do all the time. There's definitely no issue with me being straight-forward. What I wanted to do was make it more conscious and appreciate where it has gotten me.

Basically in the past 12 months, though I occasionally let an "oh nothing" dismissive type response slide because I'm a human being in the 21st century --- I tried my best to be upfront, expressive, and assertive 5 or 6 times over with my thoughts, wants, and feelings. Not only did I allow my blunt and bold side to shine with zero filter but I put more focus on my vulnerable side in all aspects.

One thing 2016 taught me, in an extremely high volume, was how unpredictable this life is. It's crazy how often that reality check had to hit with all our losses. Time after time, month after month, we were constantly reminded. Unpredictable and short.

Playing games, beating around the bush, and for my fellow Africans "doing shakara" that's all unnecessary wasted time especially at this phase in my life. Stuff I do not need. It was fun and honestly rewarding saying what I wanted to say when I wanted to say it; letting my thoughts, feelings, and intentions be heard and dealing with the responses accordingly.

Take Away: Tell those you love that you love them, those who annoy you what they're doing wrong, and those new faces you really want in your life that you want them.

That's all from me

2017, What's good?!