How do I have time to speak right now? Your guess is as good as mine. 

I was feeling the need to break for the weekend, it's been a little over a month since the start of my program, and I really wanted to bust out an update post so that's what I'm going to do.

Shall we begin

I still have my 1 bedroom and I love it! After every undergrad year spent sharing I can't imagine going back. I'll definitely have to because money doesn't just appear for rent or bill pay but like I said in my other apartment post even out of college who knows when or if I'll be able to return to this level of independence. Me, myself, and I plan to milk it.

One major flaw though in living on my own is that self regulating for the first time while simultaneously "grad-schooling" is so freaking taxing. Yes I know that's what it means to take care of yourself by yourself as an adult but no one told me it would be like this. Like talking roommates, at least when someone else is in the house the notion of being judged keeps you on your toes and in the ballpark of a well rounded individual. If someone were to observe my month's nutrient intake, my overall cleanliness/organization during exam weeks, and my time management skills at the moment--- the shame. It's safe to say this beginning stage of adaptation wasn't so good to me.

Socially - I don't do much. I'm living vicariously through my friends on social media. 

Love wise... there's nothing love wise... However, about 75 percent of my class is either engaged or family'd up leaving me as the 22 year old in the minority/a bit jealous. Coming out here I had all these plans of living carefree, independent, young, and single; and in the span of a month everything has been overhauled. In the words of Ms Joanne, That's over. It's canceled. I want a person now..

Financially - Ha

Academically - Here we go. The real meat of my past month. I've never studied so hard, slept less, drank so much coffee, and still appreciated every second of what seems to be torture ever in my life EVER. I hate how much I'm okay with it.

Up to this point I've had two exams that equate to finals at "traditional" universities. We learn accelerated-ly in two week blocks then on the Friday of that second week we test and move forward. The rule here is you don't pass until you've passed with a 90 or above. Mastery level learning is what they call it. You realistically get three tries at this and I'll go more into detail about my school system down the line but it's only at that third strike during what's known as summer remediation where your continuation with the program hangs in the balance.

So far this girl has no summer but before everything gets jinxed keep me in your thoughts until May... no actually until the year 2019.

There's my update. I've honestly stopped doing exciting things my life is just School. School. Blog. Repeat. Eating and sleeping are luxuries and music gets me through everything. Music post coming soon.

Thanks for checking in on me, it literally warms my heart