A little over 6 months ago I wrote a post about my goals for this little blog I've grown to call Simply. Remember them? 

Now that half a year and some change has past I thought, why not look back and assess where I am with everything. Especially since my deadline to go ghost is closing in. 

Next month I'm off to pharmacy school. A journey I'm sure won't be giving time enough to post at all. And I knew that when I started this whole blogging venture January of last year. Fall of 2016 would have an impact and here we are. 

I don't plan on goodbyes anytime soon though. Because honestly who says you can't be a blogging pharmacist? 


le checklist

Taking things easy(-er) on the blog and in the real world     ✗
Sorry I still enjoy challenges and I'm still hard on myself when I don't succeed the way I want to...

Oh well

Stop Comparing     ✔︎
I've actually dialed this one back a bunch. I would like to believe the rough patches last year were due to being new and not yet used to this whole new world of blog designs, photography, and bouts of jealousy. Even if that wasn't the case I'm just going to claim it. At this point in time I've 1) gotten over those mentioned rough patches and 2) become quite comfortable with where I am. 

Looking for inspiration and not templates     ✔︎
This has been a tricky one to figure out and explain, even was when I first wrote it out. I basically discussed originality and only posting what I was passionate about. All to stop feeling pressured on quantity and not quality with posts practically copied and pasted from another's page. 

Do I still feel that way?


Become less of a silent reader     ✔︎
I have put more effort into commenting on blogs. Like I said in December I find myself on others' websites very often. The least I can do is add a thought before I leave every now and then. 

Get a camera already and be satisfied?     ✗
Well I believe this month marks a full year without an actual "camera-camera". I've yet to get a new one. I've yet to be satisfied.

Drop the blogspot     ✔︎
As you can see!!!!!!!!

Continue living and learning     ✔︎

Looking forward to what the rest of the year has in store for me and possibly the blog if I ever get a minute in edgewise.

p.s Thank you readers for a 1 year and a half