Last week from Friday until Sunday morning I had the opportunity to head down to Los Angeles, CA (via family road trip) and attend an event held by the Igbo Catholic Community, USA national organization.

The event was a convention, I believe the 14th annual this year with its Los Angeles chapter hosting. I like to call it either ICCUSA '16 or ICCUSA LA

Belonging to a small, Sacramento chapter still struggling to find footing and attending one of these conventions/conferences for the first time since it has ballooned into the driving force it has become --I'm not exaggerating when I say today is Wednesday and I still feel on a high from the weekend.

I have to credit my satisfaction to the young adults of the organization 1000%. Again referencing my Sacramento; I was blown away by the number of college/post grad young Igbo men and women who showed out in LA all traveling from different parts of the country. Philly was present, Baltimore was present, Raleigh North Carolina was present, ATL was present, Houston was present, San Fran, San Jose, and Hayward CA were all present. Once again I was... Blown. Away. 

An unfortunate reality (at least my reality) where I come from is that going off to college means finally escaping the cultural and/or religious outings you used to dread growing up. The events and groups you were only forced to participate in courtesy of your parents. If you know anything about me that notion never settled well. So it was breathtaking to be in a space of willing youth (aged 13-17) and young adults (18 and over to a certain point) relatable to me and who could easily fill their own separate hall and hold their own separate convention.

I met amazing people, reconnected with others, danced a whole lot, made sure I portion controlled the seemingly endless amount of jollof rice, went on an LA bus tour, and was a part of an Igbo Catholic Mass far superior to any I've been to outside of Nigeria...

I'd call it time well spent.

 Cathedral Visit

The Backs of My Brothers' Heads

Youth Speaker

Gala Saturday Night After Mass

(more ICCUSA event pics available on insta @icyao_la check them out) 

And next year is supposed to be hosted in Houston. 

Bet I'm there. Also Umu Igbo I'm still coming for you...