Just like that Christmas has happened! Hope it was very peaceful and amazing for those of you who celebrate and actually if you don't celebrate, I still hope whatever you did on Friday was peaceful and amazing all the same. 

Mini Rant: Coming home for break is always bittersweet. On one hand I've come home to see my parents and brothers, other family members, and friends. But that other hand though. The other hand is that I've come home to see my parents, brothers, other family members, and friends for an extended amount of time. I'm sure some of you can relate; being home and back under parental surveillance as an "adult" is plaaayed. My mom says things will be stuck like this until I'm married which is hilarious to me. The way she hovers I don't know about meeting marriage any time soon. Maybe that's her plan. Well, let me leave this topic for now. Back to Christmas!!!

I wouldn't call what I did extravagant by any means, I just thought it would be a great way to end my 12... or 10 post Christmas segment by recapping how I spent the day in no other form than an all picture post. (For someone who complains about her photo qualities, I sure keep posting enough of them)

Wishing you and yours a blessed New Year. I'll be working on mine. 

The Night Before (preparation and setup)

Slight obsession with our setup in the dark...
My mom had this idea where we each got our own huge bags and everyone's gift to a single person was to be placed in them. Method of organization. Fine by me. Simple and still aesthetically pleasing.

Next Day (Presents, church, & then food)

I also had this obsession with my brothers but that's sort of a 'forever' thing.


Basically after food I did nothing. And I mean not a thing.

I plan on taking a needed break for some time to get my head together for the new year. Thank you all for sticking through my December and my first TWELVE months experiencing this blogger lifestyle. Can't wait for January and the oh so bright future.

Until next... year!