It was only a week yet in my head it feels like I was sick with congestion for months.

That pesky sinus infection-esque thing I had was torture you guys. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

In the earlier stages, all I could be bothered to get out of bed for was food which left me with a great deal of time bundled in bed luckily at that time it was the weekend . That's when I initially thought up this plan to write an awesome post completely relevant to the situation.

Something about staying productive even though all your body wants to do is shut off and sleep an extra 24 hrs. I took two sick days and that was already two too many.

Unless you're still under the age of 9, days off will most likely come back to bite you and there's nothing fun about the bite. Trust that as an almost senior, pre-professional health degree student, I know.

Here are some tips I put together using several help sites and videos as guides that can assist you in focusing and working through that clouded head feeling congestion and colds usually give.

1) Know your plans. Sick or not a day planner should always be your friend (IMHO). However, it's beyond key when you're sick and still have things to do. Mainly because in all the tissues, sniffles, coughs, headaches, remedies, etc... it's easy to put off work related needs. And fighting your inner procrastinator is hard enough at optimum health. Try creating little task alarms to remind you to put in work every now and then. There's nothing like a little bird in your ear repeatedly telling you to accomplish something. This also keeps you from hiding under the covers as an escape mechanism. Will power! You can do it!!!

2) Take it easy. Even though I'm advocating task alerts and not defaulting to sleep, I do want you to get better. Rest is probably the body's best defense mechanism on the road to recuperating and sleep is so important (never mind how difficult it is to try and sleep with a cold in the first place). If you can rearrange your schedule and possibly move projects to other days, that's exactly what I'd tell you to do. If there's someone to delegate your tasks to - do that as well. Breaks are actually very productive given you have the space for them. They mean you're working on yourself. 

3) Medicate Wisely. Could be the future pharmacist in me - or just general knowledge who knows - but the goal here is to balance the right amount of medicine, keeping you capable for the day ahead and not over medicated to the point your whole body aches. Most medications that attack congestion, for example, come with the drowsiness side effect. That's normal. If there's a non-drowsy counterpart and you know you have things to get done, you know which product to buy instead. If there's no counterpart option or said drowsy-drug just works better for you that's fine as well. Just be sure to plan your day accordingly with possible knock out periods.

4) Eat and drink wisely as well. Along with sleep, feeding your body what's necessary also helps recovery. Stay away from the tempting comfort cookies, chips, and sugary drinks. Eat regular around the clock healthy foods "an apple a day..." you know the rest. This will keep your energy up through the day and contribute to you getting things done. Drink plenty of water as well.

5) Be reasonable. This basically goes in hand with taking it easy. It goes without saying but - REMEMBER YOU'RE SICK! Because of this you may not be able to finish all that you had planned to do and that's alright. Sort out the everything you know can accomplish to the top of your list and try not to get your hopes up. Expect to be fatigued more often and again expect to take more breaks. These things just come with the territory.

There you go. Five tips that took quite a while to write up - you know being sick and all.

I'm better now though.

Which means back to work I go.