An athlete at my school can be easily spotted by their backpacks if nothing else.
Black backpack, mascot's head on it, the athlete's number, and the sport name under (football, basketball, baseball).
Tell me why about 89% of the African American (males) I run into on campus possess this backpack.
We don't share similar classes (upper division science courses for me; business and economics for them)...
I'm not mad at their majors or the fact that these guys have a passion for sports
Why is it all I see here?
I don't know, maybe just expected better.
Or something different at least.
If you don't get it, well, that's fine.
Tell me why about 89% of the African American (males) I run into on campus possess this backpack.
We don't share similar classes (upper division science courses for me; business and economics for them)...
I'm not mad at their majors or the fact that these guys have a passion for sports
Why is it all I see here?
I don't know, maybe just expected better.
Or something different at least.
If you don't get it, well, that's fine.
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